Link to hair shampoo, Conditioner and oils for human ,Synthetic. The oil is Great to restore your hair damage . Look for Moroccan oil. Use for straight styles and human hair pieces.
Curl hairpieces you can use dry shampoo & odor remove. See attachments n more section.
Hairpiece care advise Synthetic:
Please think about how you remove and apply your hairpiece. Never pull off a hairpiece with out unlocking the stopper and loosening the cord. This can tear your netting. If this happens the simple fix is to resew it. Never pullout the cord from the hairpiece they are very hard to reapply.
These hairpieces are made for cheer industry to apear as human hair they may behave somewhat like human hair . If you want a hairpiece that keeps exact style we suggest looking for a company that makes costume wigs.
The styles Original teen, Barrel curls, piggies should not be washed. We suggest storing these styles in a gladware container curl down. You should apply Quit a bit of hairspray to the barrel curls style, Summit, Roller wave, Suzie and Piggie styles when you receive your order. You can mist them with deodorizer for wigs if need be.
All curl styles will behave like human hair when worn in the cheer and dance industry. This means they can become frizzy or stray hairs will appear with use. We produce hairpieces in the best fiber for this industry possible to keep position of the style. Recommendation on the order pages is to attach the piece and then hair spray heavy into style. We cannot guarantee you will not have to maintain the items curl.
The Straight styles can be washed with wig care products . Follow label instructions.
Curl styles like the Suzie & Roller wave , Summit styles can be washed if needed, However we do not suggest it. When a hairpiece style says it will behave like human hair unless you spray it very well it will behave like human hair . You can spray with water to pin the curls when wet and then set to dry flat to produce that initial curl appearance again. Always Store curl down, do not hang . You can brush the summit spray with water and set flat to dry. The curl will need to be finger sprayed afterwards.
We can only make suggestions of the care of your hairpiece as once it leaves this facility its not under the companies care.
You can also use Dry Shampoo
Human hair care instructions are posted on that styles page.